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Welcome to the Strongest SELF Ever Challenge!

Here's to 4 weeks of workouts, plus healthy recipes and lots of motivation!

Remi Pyrdol

We're so glad you're here! In 28 days, we hope you're feeling stronger, happier, and healthier. Use the navigation above to see any workout or recipe, or keep scrolling to get the details of each section.

Here we go! #TeamSELF #StrongestSELFever


Workout Calendar

Your four-week workout schedule is ready to go!


You'll do 3 strength workouts each week—and we know you're gonna crush 'em\!

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There are 2 heart-pumping cardio workouts each week, plus some extra options.

Girl looking into the distance holding a water bottle


What's cookin'? Oh, we've got a few ideas...

Women eating fresh Mediterranean platter on table

Stronger Than Ever

Keep up your workout routine no matter where you are. Presented by our partners at TRX.